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SportRelief - 17th to 23rd March - so far we have raised £610.50



 Image result for sport relief logo 2018 GET ACTIVE. RAISE MONEY. CHANGE LIVES.


                  Image result for sport relief logo 2018 17TH - 23RD MARCH



Whatever Moves You


Hazel Leys Academy will be joining in with Sport Relief for the whole week! Mrs Cadman is organising events for each day – more information to follow. The last day, Friday 23rd March, we will hold a sponsored bounce to raise money for Sport Relief.  This will also be a mufti day; we will ask for a donation of £1 that will help pay for a special Bounce Dome. Children will have sponsor forms for bouncing!  Each child will have a turn on the Bounce Dome and we will count how many bounces  children can do in a specified time. It will be fun and energetic. The money raised from the sponsored bounce goes to Sport Relief.  Please can parents make sure that PE kits are in school for this week.