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Every school day counts

Being at school, on time, every day is vitally important for your child's education and social development.  Children who have lots of time off school struggle academically and find it hard to build relationships with the other children.  Like you, we want the best for our pupils and that is why we expect good attendance at school - we define good attendance as 97% and above. 


Pupil absence is monitored weekly and we will write to you if your child's attendance is a cause for concern.  We use a traffic light rating system for attendance and we will use this rating system in our correspondence with you.

Absences from school are only authorised in exceptional circumstances.  Term time holidays will not be authorised.  You need to complete a leave of absence request form if your child is going to be absent.  Paper copies of the form are available from the school office. Once your request has been submitted, the Principal will classify the absence as 'authorised' or 'unauthorised' and this will be recorded on your child's registration certificate.

Please inform us of any absence by 8.00am on the first day of absence by telephoning the Academy office on 01536 202681

For more information on school attendance and absence, please click the button below:



Click the button below to see our school Pupil Attendance Policy