Handwriting at Hazel Leys Academy
How does Happy Handwriting help learning?
- Automaticity – Formation, orientation and placement of letters becomes automatic which frees up space in the working memory.
- Achievement – Fast, legible and fluent handwriting underpins success in every curriculum area.
- Confidence – Good handwriting creates a positive initial judgement.
- Creativity – When handwriting is automatic, the brain can concentrate on content.
- Reading – Writing and reading are reciprocal skills, so improvement in one, helps the other.
- Phonics and Spelling – legible handwriting means children can read and correct spelling.
There are four strands in developing good handwriting:
Making bodies stronger
- Physical strengthening of the body
- Motor and spatial preparation
Learning the letters
- Dynamic movements for learning letter shapes
- Sensory experiences for memory and recall
Holding the pencil
- Optimal pencil hold for speed and legibility
- Diagnostic photos for addressing issues
Flow and fluency
- Speed and stamina developed
- Economy of movement and use of rhythm/m for speed
- Joining letters in a 12 week programme
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