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Sports Premium

The government have committed to £150 million worth of funding for primary school PE each year until 2022 through their Sports Premium fund. This money is ring fenced for spending on developing physical education, healthy living and school sport.

It is the belief of the Academy that this money should provide a sustainable legacy, rather than a short term fix. It is being spent on improving the skills of all of our staff, improving our facilities and equipment and embedding a culture of healthy eating and physical activity in our pupils, staff and parents. By linking with external agencies, such as the borough and county councils, the sports partnership and local clubs, we aim to affect long term change in our Academy, our pupils and our community.

The Academy spends part of the Sports Premium on becoming an ‘Enhanced’ school with the SSP. For this sign up the school receives the help of a Sports Premium Officer for half a day per week. He helps in the training and development of PE throughout the Academy, assisting teachers and the PE Co-ordinator to provide a thorough and balanced curriculum. Also, all of the entry fees to all Level 2 competitions are included in this package.

Another large expenditure of the Sports Premium is on training and development of the teaching staff in the Academy. Strengths and weaknesses of the staff have been identified and training allocated to match up against the weaknesses.

Money was also spent on playground equipment, this was to ensure that children have access to resources in order to stay active during all break times.

The effectiveness of the spending will be measured by the impact on the children and provisions of PE available to them, by looking at measureable numbers of participants in PE lessons and extra-curricular activities for example Level 1 and level 2 competitions.

Please click on the links below to learn more about how the Sports Premium has been allocated.