Ministry of Chocolate Workshop - Tuesday 26th November
We have organised for ‘The Ministry of Chocolate’ to come and visit Year 3 children. To support their learning in class, this workshop will take children on an exciting, comprehensive and very carefully crafted ‘chocolate journey’. The workshop has a very high visual and physical stimulus content. The children will get to see and touch real cocoa pods, real cocoa beans and taste a little bit of cocoa nib. They will learn about the history and origins of chocolate; the cocoa harvesting process; the main principles behind Fairtrade; health & wellbeing aspects of chocolate: the children will see / touch / smell the main ingredients (cocoa paste and cocoa butter).
The workshop finishes with a practical chocolate making session: each child makes an individual moulded chocolate. The children will role play opening a new chocolate shop and they need to make a super new chocolate product to go in the window of their shop so their shop’s the best!